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Getting Ready: Prerequisites

Welcome to Infrastructure Optimizer! 🎉 👏

We are excited to help you with maximizing your cloud resource efficiency and savings!

Before you begin, use this checklist to confirm that your environment satisfies the specifications required to operate Infrastructure Optimizer.

The pre-check commands will require the IAM principal to have at least the ec2:Describe* permissions


By default, Infrastructure Optimizer schedules workload in private subnets to protect them from direct external accesses.

Use the following commands to ensure that the AWS VPC where Infrastructure Optimizer will run has at least one private subnet with public NAT Gateways.

Check private subnets that are suitable for running the Infrastructure Optimizer workload Workers:

aws ec2 describe-subnets --filter Name=vpc-id,Values=<vpc_id> --query 'Subnets[?MapPublicIpOnLaunch==`false`].SubnetId'

Check whether there is a public NAT Gateway attached:

aws ec2 describe-nat-gateways --filter Name=vpc-id,Values=<vpc_id> --output json | jq '.NatGateways[] | {NatGatewayId, SubnetId, ConnectivityType}'

If no private subnets exist, follow the AWS documentation to create a private subnet and a public NAT Gateway.


A pre-provisioned, user-managed SSH key pair is required to access the Infrastructure Optimizer Management Server.

OPTIONAL: Follow the AWS EC2 documentation to generate a SSH key pair.

For environments with existing PKI setup, the x509 certificates, private key, and optionally, intermediate chain certificates and CA certificates will also be needed.


Infrastructure Optimizer runs on the following OSes:

  • Rocky Linux

  • CentOS


Installations and Deployment

The following file contains the minimum IAM permissions required by the AWS IAM principal used to install Infrastructure Optimizer:


Expand this section to view a detailed explanation of each IAM permission

1. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

  • Instance Management

    • ec2:RunInstances

    • ec2:DescribeInstances

    • ec2:DescribeInstanceTypes

    • ec2:DescribeInstanceStatus

    • ec2:StopInstances

    • ec2:TerminateInstances

    • ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute

  • Network and Security

    • ec2:DescribeSubnets

    • ec2:DescribeVpcs

    • ec2:DescribeVpcAttribute

    • ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups

    • ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress

    • ec2:CreateSecurityGroup

    • ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress

    • ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup

    • ec2:DescribeSecurityGroupRules

  • Resource Tagging and Metadata

    • ec2:CreateTags

  • Others

    • ec2:DescribeKeyPairs

    • ec2:DescribeImages

    • ec2:DescribeImageAttribute

    • ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones

    • ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes

    • ec2:DescribeRouteTables

    • ec2:DescribeNetworkAcls

    • ec2:DescribeAddresses

    • ec2:DescribeDhcpOptions

    • ec2:DescribeSnapshots

2. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)

  • Object Operations

    • s3:GetObject

    • s3:PutObject

3. Amazon CloudFormation

  • Stack Operations

    • cloudformation:CreateStack

    • cloudformation:UpdateStack

    • cloudformation:CreateUploadBucket

    • cloudformation:DescribeStackEvents

    • cloudformation:DescribeStacks

    • cloudformation:GetTemplateSummary

    • cloudformation:ListStacks

    • cloudformation:ListStackResources

    • cloudformation:DeleteStack

4. AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)

  • Role Management

    • iam:CreateRole

    • iam:DeleteRole

    • iam:ListRoles

    • iam:TagRole

    • iam:PutRolePolicy

    • iam:DeleteRolePolicy

    • iam:GetRole

    • iam:ListAttachedRolePolicies

    • iam:AttachRolePolicy

  • Instance Profile Operations

    • iam:CreateInstanceProfile

    • iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile

    • iam:RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile

    • iam:DeleteInstanceProfile

  • Policy Management

    • iam:ListPolicies

    • iam:PassRole

  • Other

    • iam:ListOpenIDConnectProviders

    • iam:GetOpenIDConnectProvider

    • iam:ListEntitiesForPolicy

    • iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole

    • iam:ListInstanceProfiles

    • iam:ListInstanceProfilesForRole

5. Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)

  • Cluster Operations

    • eks:DescribeCluster

    • eks:ListClusters

    • eks:UpdateClusterConfig

    • eks:UpdateClusterVersion

  • Nodegroup Operations

    • eks:CreateNodegroup

    • eks:DescribeNodegroup

    • eks:ListNodegroups

    • eks:UpdateNodegroupConfig

    • eks:UpdateNodegroupVersion

  • Addon Operations

    • eks:DescribeAddon

    • eks:DescribeAddonVersions

    • eks:ListAddons

    • eks:UpdateAddon

  • API Access and Policy Management

    • eks:AccessKubernetesApi

    • eks:ListAccessPolicies

    • eks:AssociateAccessPolicy

    • eks:ListIdentityProviderConfigs

    • eks:DescribeAccessEntry

    • eks:ListPodIdentityAssociations

    • eks:ListAssociatedAccessPolicies

    • eks:CreateAccessEntry

6. AWS SSM (System Manager)

  • Association Operations

    • ssm:ListAssociations

    • ssm:GetParametersByPath

EC2 Instance Profiles

The Infrastructure Optimizer Controllers and Workers require a set of IAM permissions to manage and scale your workloads efficiently. Use this CloudFormation template to create the EC2 instance profiles.


When completed, the roles and instance profile ARNs outputs by CloudFormation will be needed for subsequent installation steps.

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