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Default Profile for Slurm Integration

Pull Down the Default Profile Assets as a JSON Payload:

  1. The default is named az1.

    1. CODE
      curl -X GET http://${MGMT_SERVER_IP}:5000/v1/profile/az1 |jq > default-profile.json
  2. Copy it to faciliatate customization, leaving the default for future reference.

    1. CODE
      cp default-profile.json profile0.json
  3. The asset will look like this:

  1. CODE
      "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-2c",
      "Controller": {
        "IamInstanceProfile": "arn:aws:iam::270000099005:instance-profile/io-apc05-ExostellarInstanceProfile-CmxXXD1CZAId",
        "InstanceTags": [
            "Key": "exostellar.xspot-role",
            "Value": "xspot-controller"
        "InstanceType": "c5d.xlarge",
        "SecurityGroupIds": [
        "SubnetId": "subnet-02d2d57c0673d6a5a",
        "VolumeSize": 100,
        "ImageId": "ami-0d4c57b22746fe832"
      "LogPath": "/xcompute/logs",
      "MaxControllers": 10,
      "ProfileName": "az1",
      "Region": "us-east-2",
      "Worker": {
        "IamInstanceProfile": "arn:aws:iam::270000099005:instance-profile/io-apc05-ExostellarInstanceProfile-CmxXXD1CZAId",
        "InstanceTags": [
            "Key": "exostellar.xspot-role",
            "Value": "xspot-worker"
       "InstanceTypes": [
        "SecurityGroupIds": [
        "SpotFleetTypes": [
        "SubnetId": "subnet-02d2d57c0673d6a5a",
        "ImageId": "ami-09559faf3fc003160"
      "Xspot": {
        "EnableHyperthreading": true,
        "EnableBalloon": true
      "XspotVersion": "xspot-3.1.0",
      "Id": "e5c88a2a-122f-49c4-bb8c-7181ed1878b2",
      "NodeGroupName": "9qnvgac7",
      "Status": "idle"
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